Each person, regardless of his/her occupation and food intake, should get at least 10% of daily calories from protein.
Each person is inherent biologically, but unfortunately plenty external factors do not allow us to use all potential of the body. Viruses, bacteria and parasites destroy the immunity being a cause of different irreversible consequences.
Each person is a creator of self-happiness and of the own health! The cleaner the body is, the better we feel. The systematic cleansing of digestive system strengthens the immunity. Our ability to think, to make decisions, to live and to be happy fully depends on the intestinal health.
If you cannot fall asleep for a long time, wake up all the time in the middle of the night, and in the morning you feel beat, this may be due to your diet. Everything is simple. The sleep hormone melatonin includes the amino acid tryptophan, which, in turn, is contained in high-protein food. Thus, a small amount of protein means a small amount of tryptophan, and a lack of tryptophan can negatively affect sleep by reducing the production of melatonin.
In addition, for most people, a lack of protein is fraught with a decline in energy and strength. Because protein is slowly digested, it plays an important role in regulating glucose level in blood. And it is glucose that is one of the main sources of energy. Diversify your nutrition with high-protein food, shorten breaks between meals, and you will definitely feel more energetic throughout the day.
Your muscles, skin, hair, bones and blood are mostly made up of protein. And although true protein deficiency is rare in developed countries, low protein intake can cause muscle depletion, increase the risk of bone fractures, and, among other things, undermine your immunity. However, believe us, you may not be afraid of any protein deficiency. The secret is simple: In all case you must include protein-rich food in every meal.
Getting enough protein is not only the key to building strong, toned muscles. It is also very important for the health and beauty of your hair and nails. When your body lacks protein, it sends protein only to those organs and to those vital processes where protein is needed first. Unfortunately, this does not include your hair and nails. That is why one of the main symptoms of protein deficiency is hair brittleness, dullness and even loss, as well as "rigs" on the nail plates and their increased softness.

One of the first signs of protein deficiency: you begin to crave sweets and feel that you are never full. Logical question: why in this case do not you want to eat more falafel or seafood? It would be logical to wish for protein-rich food. However, one of the most important functions of the protein is to maintain a stable level of sugar in the blood, which means if you are short of it, your body will push you to quickly solve the problem.

Muscles are the largest storage of protein in the body. Accordingly, when there is not enough protein in food, the body seeks to get it from there. Over time, this leads to muscle depletion. By the way, even moderate protein deficiency can cause muscle atrophy. One study by American scientists showed that among those participants in the tests who took the least amount of protein, muscle loss was much higher compared to those who took its daily standard amount. This has been confirmed by other studies, according to which increased protein intake slows muscle degeneration.

Impaired immune function increases the risk or the severity of infections, which, by the way, is a common symptom of severe protein deficiency. For example, a study showed that in case of a low protein diet, the flu has more severe form than in case of a diet with at least 18% protein. Moreover, even its slightly reduced intake can disrupt the immune function. Another study showed that adherence to a diet even with a slightly reduced protein content for nine weeks significantly reduces immunity.

High blood pressure can be another symptom of a lack of protein. A recent study in which 1,361 people took part showed that high protein intake corresponds to normalized blood pressure. In addition, analysis of 40 test participants confirms that higher protein intake "significantly reduces" blood pressure. As a result, study organizers argue that intake of more protein can be important in preventing hypertension.
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